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What a surprise Suharno see photo on his cell phone because his daughter, who squats behind the blue shirt there are sightings of an alleged ghost stood like a white pocong Jesika backs.

Suharno initially did not believe what was shown by his son. However, as soon as look at the photograph, Suharno was shocked and worried look of a frightened and traumatized children.

Delicate creature indeed difficult to see the eyes, but today can even be recorded in the video with a particular technology so that audiences can see the signs to the senses through visual impressions. Unlike the snapshot camera that produces pictures or photos, suddenly there is "investment" aka ghost spirits or demons that usually it was outside the intent.

As experienced by Jesika (5), daughter of Suharno, villagers Betung, District Abab, Muara Enim, South Sumatra. Jesika photographed by his friend using his cell phone on June 10, 2010. At that time Jesika were playing in the backyard with his friends.

What a surprise Suharno viewing photos on mobile phones because of squatting behind a daughter who was wearing a blue T-shirt there is the appearance of an alleged ghost stood like a white pocong Jesika backs. Suharno initially did not believe what was indicated by his son. However, as soon as look at the photograph, Suharno was shocked and worried look of a frightened and traumatized children.

Information ghost sightings at the camera and soon spread to neighboring communities in the Village Betung to ferment. Suharno was worried something would happen to her child. So, he searched for smart people for consultation.

On Wednesday (16/06/2010), Suharno report to Sriwijaya Post editor who was also a group of related Tribunnews.com photo. According to Suharno, relating his concerns about the existing photos ghost sightings pocong had encouraged him to look for smart people.

He took the initiative to seek information on mystery that happened to her child. The word "smart people" who visited Suharno, Jesika fact, children in the photograph, often followed by a ghost pocong. Pocong ghost is still looking for tumbal.

Heard the statement "smart people" were, Suharno gasped and immediately prayed for his health and protection given. Do not let anything untoward happen. "I am afraid there is nothing, though the truth is uncertain. But I hope my child is always in the shelter of the Almighty, "he said