Distinguished the GENIE AND the GHOST was OFTEN BUSY
WHEN someone photographed empty space in the Bandung corridor and results of the region hospital, the female noose was printed with the hair-raising face and foot him was suspended or the student of the photography school in Singapur photographed the noose frightening, the ghost that, or the genie who appeared. The identity of the ghost or the genie indeed was not easy dibeda-would. Apala-gi, because of his soft substance, me-trick could change any form according to the situation and the wish. For example, when being held by the taking of the picture for the film of Three Man and A Baby, explained the cameraman did not see anyone apart from the leading figure who will be recorded. But when rasfilm was checked to be edited, emerged the man's noose carry out surveillance of from the back door. The genie numpang nampang? Even so when a family rose the carriage in the Selangor region, Malaysia experienced the hindrance, the child ba-lita that was asked mena-ngis, his father entertained him with photographed. But that happened, evidently had the noose outside the carriage that stood paid attention to the pre-schoolers. The carriage ghost or the soul was curious?