gambar serem dan aneh


In one area of housing is a tragedy occurred. Maggie is drunk brader feet. I was Cave remember the house change, or there is a house wife but not for entrance. Normal night-night he breeze cave-oiled Maggie Maggie, the words hard to anyone and you front him. For many years it was the kind of guys. Cave's not visible it is.

Where is he going?

So I found out is that he's dead. According to the story he always pass it out everywhere, especially when drunk. TiDo evenly. sometimes out front of the home page was TiDo beat. Then, on a day the person he turned up in the bushes. I die. Just more death.

But the strange corpses he was there on the worm-worm of thumb mengeriuk out of his stomach. Worm apajaddah I still can not be identified. I dengat the hospitals have no dishonesty on the matter anyway. Flyblow worm is similar fly / worm that's very rare. He has a sharp front teeth, jaw and not have to eat the way mengemut. He usually lay in a humid and warm. Flyblow flies usually more aggressive from the berengga normal. Flies are active at night.

In this case I fall asleep drunk feet and not have been aware flies lay at the edge of his lips. Flyblow the hatch continues into the mouth, and eat the entire contents of this body feet drunk. When the exchange to become insects, flyblow this must eat their way out, take exit Thus stomach. Rasionalnya took out the stomach because it is the most easy to ditembusi shares the chest a protected rib. They do not menebuk a large hole that otherwise would menebuk each hole. In the case of a drunken feet, many small holes one inch of the border is between one another. Wall perforation is reddish due to blood expelled.

The stomach of the victim does not become flat, although the contents have been eaten out by flyblow this. they find the corpse is found drunk feet throughout the body cavity of victims of the blank was filled by flyblow this. Cumanya they only live under the skin to protect themselves from the outside element. In short, they make the body's feet are drunk as patron for flyblow itself before the exchange into insects.

In normal cases, may prefer two flyblow of this is in the normal human body. But usually he will die before the insects had become. We are not aware when these flies will be laying on our body because it lay on the night. And sometimes there are between our sleep dumbfounded. ! It and are aware that there is a middle TiDo flies through my nose hole edge?

For the guys cave TiDo kelubung blanket one hundred percent.

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